All Poland Reads to Children with Tudor House

As a socially responsible company, we try to engage in campaigns that help the most needy. We are pleased to inform that last year we became a Partner of the campaign “All Poland Reads to Children” – organized for over a dozen years by the “ABCXXI – All Poland Reads to Children” Foundation, aimed at promoting everyday reading to children. To broaden Poles horizons and encourage children to creativity and imagination different than a computer. Thanks to the official partnership, we had the opportunity to participate in the ceremonial Gala crowning last year’s edition and the 15th anniversary of the project. The gala took place at the Olympic Center in Warsaw under the Honorary Patronage of the Polish Olympic Committee. Let us remind you that the ambassadors of the campaign are among others: Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Anna Czartoryska, Edyta Jungowska, Maciej Orłoś, Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska and Antek Królikowski. The campaign was also recently supported by Robert and Anna Lewandowscy.
Funds collected during the Ball allow to increase the coverage and effectiveness of the campaign “All Poland reads to children” which is important for the future of our country because according to research 1 dollar invested in early language and reading education returns 10 times. In the foyer PUNI whisky was served. Guests liked the Nero version the most.
We are happy that we participated in a project that promotes such an important and – unfortunately – forgotten activity which is reading.